SCKL / Sunflower System Cities & Industries Served Page

WELCOME TO THE SCKL CITIES / INDUSTRIES SERVED SITE, Here you will be able to see the Cities and Towns, and Industries served by the the SCKL and the "Sunflower System", by City. . . . . . . .UNDER CONSTRUCTION ! Come Back Soon . . . . . . . Updated January 14, 2021..........

Welcome to the SCKL Cities / Industries Served Site

Welcome to a website dedicated to the South Central Kansas Lines (SCKL) and its sister railroad, the Garden Plain & Western (GP&W). These railroads, and others under the SCKL umbrella, with the exception of one, are considered "Virtual: railroads. You may ask what is the difference between a "Model" and "Virtual" railroad. In this persons opinion, Model is a railroad built, or under construction, A Virtual railroad is one in a persons mind, or planned out, whether on scratch paper or a layout design program.
The SCKL is the Corporate face of what designer Rob Neises dubbed "the Sunflower System", back in the early 1980's. Besides the SCKL, the Sunflower System, so named because most, if not all the owned trackage is in the Sunflower State - Kansas, include the virtual Garden Plain & Western (GP&W), the Wichita, North Western (WNW), the North Pole Railroad (NPRR), and the Wichita & Ark Valley (WAV)-the only Model railroad in the system.
The WAV just celebrated 50 years in March of 2020, before the US was shut down with the Covid-19 Pandemic. It has ran two Subs during that time, the original Wichita Sub, which loosely followed the traction railroad, the Ark Valley Interurban, and the Augusta Sub, formed in 2002 when the Wichita Train Club lost their location in the old Omnisphere basement, It was housed in Wichita from 1970 thru 2001. The Augusta Sub is very loosely based on the SF-SL or Frisco, that went East from North Wichita, to Augusta and Easternly. The Wichita & Ark Valley is the Club layout of the Augusta Model Railroad Club, which Rob is a member, and has for over a decade.
Though parts of the SCKL trackage rights include the route of the Sunflower Limited / Gulf Coast Limited, Kansas City, MO to Houston / Galveston, TX; the North Pole Railroad's trackage is limited to extreme Northern Kansas. It runs from the imaginary town of Noel, KS, to the North Pole, on track either owned by the Sunflower System, or on track where running rights were granted to them.
In the Sunflower System's Master Track Plan, parts of both WAV Subs are planned, while redundant trackage is abandoned. Another current feature, is that the old Rock Island / Santa Fe line from the Orient Yard in West Wichita to Garden Plain still has rails and is active, not a nature/biking trail. ... . . ... Enjoy !


Towns Served by the SCKL and Sunflower System's
Towns/Industries Served by the SCKL and Sunflower System
Drawings of the SCKL and Sunflower System's Master Track Plan
News on the SCKL and the Sunflower System
Archived "News" on the SCKL and Sunflower System Lines (Late 1990's thru 2002)
Artist Drawings of SCKL and Sunflower System Lines Motive Power - Past & Present Schemes

Full Speed Ahead

The Augusta Model Railroad Club
Chisholm Trail Division of NMRA Homepage
Mid-Continent Region of NMRA Website
National Model Railroad Association -
Mid-Continent Region of NMRA Facebook Page
The Best Train Show Website
Railroad Paintshop

Non-Railroad Sites

Margarittaville: Rob's Homepage
Executive Security